Pet Medical Boarding: Is it Right for Your Pet?

These days, pet boarding facilities are becoming more popular as pet owners seek reliable care for their furry friends while they are away on vacation or business trips. Since pets can become sick, some of these businesses (such as extended their services to provide primary medical care for pets.

As a pet owner, you want what is best for your animal companion, and you may wonder if medical boarding is trustworthy.

What Is a Pet Boarding Facility?

A pet boarding facility is where you can leave your pet for a short time, usually no more than a week or two. These businesses offer cage-free environments and plenty of playtimes to keep your pets happy and healthy while you are away.

Some pet boarding facilities offer additional services, such as grooming and dog walking. Some even provide basic medical care, such as administering medication or injections.

What Is a Pet Medical Boarding Facility?

A pet medical boarding facility is a pet boarding facility that also offers basic medical care for pets. These businesses are staffed with vets, vet assistants, or other professionals who can provide basic to comprehensive care for your pets.

See this medical boarding in LA if you’re nearby to see how it works.

Benefits of a Pet Medical Boarding Facility

There are many advantages of using a pet medical boarding facility, including:

  • Peace of mind. If your pet needs medication or other treatments while you are away, you can rest assured that they can receive the necessary care. For instance, puppy and kitten treatment for common illnesses such as diarrhea can be administered by the staff.
  • Comprehensive care. Pet medical boarding facilities can also provide a wide range of services, from administering medication to giving injections and more. This means that you can get all the care your pet needs in one place.
  • Flexible scheduling. Some pet medical boarding facilities offer 24-hour care, so you can drop off your pet any time. This is especially convenient if you have a last-minute trip or an emergency.

Drawbacks of a Pet Medical Boarding Facility

There are also disadvantages of these facilities, such as:

  • Cost. Pet medical boarding facilities can be more expensive than regular pet boarding facilities. This is because they offer more comprehensive care and services.
  • Availability. Not all areas have pet medical boarding facilities. You may have to travel to a different city or state to find one.
  • Limited space. They may accommodate a limited number of pets at a time, so you might need to book in advance.
  •  Limited options. While most pet medical boarding facilities offer a wide range of services, some may not provide the specific service that your pet needs. For example, you may need to visit an animal hospital if your pet needs surgery.

The Bottom Line

Pet medical boarding facilities are a great option for pet owners who want peace of mind while away. These businesses offer comprehensive care and services but may be more expensive than regular pet boarding facilities and have some limitations. 

If you’re considering using a pet medical boarding facility, be sure to do your research to find one that is licensed with a good track record. It should also offer the services your pet needs.

